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Hello, I’m Alice. A warm welcome to my site! My blog is all about quick cooking. And I mean super quick. A whole site devoted to nothing but quick-to-make-recipes for time pressed people who still want delicious, homemade food. So how much time do you have to cook today?

I’m a working mum of two small kids and shortly after my youngest was born, I realised I just didn’t have the time any more to cook a decent, homemade meal for my family every night. Between getting home from work and starting bedtime routine, I had a very small window of time in which to prepare dinner for two hungry kids (and a hungry partner) – sometimes 15 minutes but sometimes only 5 minutes – really tricky to achieve, which meant my family often resorted to ready meals & takeaways which are so often expensive, unhealthy and a bad source of plastic waste. I decided that things needed to change! 

The recipes on this site were born out of necessity of a busy working parent wanting to feed her family with homecooked meals and not wanting to compromise on taste or nutrition in the process. Speaking to family and friends made me realise I am most certainly not alone. The major limitation in making healthy, delicious home cooked food for many of us was a sheer lack of time! 

So you know that you can come to this site and literally everything is quick. No searching through hundreds of recipes, some of which might claim to be quick but actually contain surprisingly time-consuming steps. How often do you read a recipe that on first appearances looks to be quick to make and yet you suddenly encounter a dreaded step such as “stir regularly on low heat for 30 mins” or “marinade for 2 hours, mixing periodically” or “cover and refrigerate overnight”. What if you just don’t have time for these things? With hungry kids nipping at my ankles, demanding dinner, I certainly don’t. So all the recipes on this site are genuinely quick with no hidden, time-consuming steps to make life unexpectedly difficult. 

To help ensure the recipes are genuinely always quick to make, I fully advocate investing in quick versions of everyday staple ingredients. For example, pre-minced garlic in a jar, quick cook pasta and microwavable basmati rice pouches. Nobody hands out prizes for chopping your own garlic or standing over a pan of boiling rice for 20 minutes. I don’t see using such pre-prepared basic ingredients as ‘cheating’ because you’re using exactly the same staple ingredient, just one that’s had the labour intensive and time consuming prep work done for you already, meaning you can create your homecooked meal from scratch having saved a bunch of precious time. Quick versions of staples taste great and usually have long shelf lives so why not make things easier for yourself? 

I really hope you find this site helpful and I really hope I manage to save you some valuable time in the kitchen, freeing you up to spend more time on other important things in life. Please do comment on recipes as I am always very keen to have feedback and please do share with anybody who you think might also benefit from some quick and easy recipe ideas. So what are you waiting for? Pick a recipe and dive right in.

Happy quick cooking! Love, Alice 

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